Froggy Dive

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PADI教練訓練班課程  IDC  

               ~ 成就將來, 完成一生夢想


PADI 教練訓練班課程旨在提供有系統訓練給予有志成為教練的潛水員. 
參加并完成有關課程可通過教練考試(IE)的考核, 合格者便成為PADI潛水教練. 
PADI 教練訓練班不單使學員有信心通過考試,還注重培訓學員成為全面而 
獨立的潛水教練, 可以教授初級(開放水域潛水員)課程, 以致潛水長課程. 


課堂理論,  15 章, 另加教練考試試題班

平靜水域,   12小時, 潛水技術, 教練考試試題班

開放水域,    5 日出海, RESCUE 技巧

參加資格:PADI 潛水長 $14500  ,  RESCUE 或進階可面議



  • 由資深課程總監E HUNG 教授. 每年參加考生合格率100%.

  • 教練團隊提供支援, 和分享考試資訊

  • IDC 課程預備班, 加強潛水技術, 潛水理論, 不另收費

  • 自備潛水基地, 方便出海潛水實習

  • 課程時間安排彈性, 有週末班, 平日班, 或連續11日班




如果你還未成為潛水員, 可從PADI  開放水域潛水員課程開始 ,需時6-8 個月.

  1. 以下是課程特價  $25000, 包括:

  2. PADI OPEN WATER 開放水域潛水課程 $3950

  3. PADI ADVANCED WATER 進階潛水課程  $2800

  4. PADI RESCUE DIVER 拯救潛水員課程  $3300

  5. EFR 




開課日期: 請致電查詢


PADI Instructor Development Course - Go Pro

The possibilities are endless


Go Pro

As a PADI Professional , you do things others only dream of .

Whether you work in a local dive center, at a resort, or on a live-aboard dive boat, the adventure of a life time is yours for the taking.

PADI Instructor Development 

PADI Instructor Development course (IDC) defines the standard for instructor training. Couple with PADI's state-of-the art educational materials, the PADI IDC allows you to learn quickly and effectively. It's the most comprehensive program in the industry. 

The IDC is the heart of PADI Instructor training. During the course, you 'll apply your diving knowledge and skills while learning to use the PADI system of diver education in the classroom and in the water.

Price : IDC + Preparatory + EFRI : $14500

Pre-requitses: PADI Divemaster 


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